Faith Therapy--Understanding salvation by faith and resolving deeply-rooted problems. This book and course provide a psychological understanding of the process of salvation by faith, winning the trial of your faith, how to increase faith, how to assess faith, and how to apply it to meet your deepest needs for self-worth, significance, security, and love. It includes models for conquering the common problems of low self-image, pride, selfish desires, strife, fear, spiritual oppression, lust, and for developing healthy attachment. It is easily taught and applied in churches because it is completely based on the Bible.
Transformation!--Biblical Models for counseling some of Life's most difficult and complex problems in the church. This book and course contains many new insights including a comprehensive plan for Christian counseling derived directly from the Bible, in-depth biblical answers for complex psychological problems based on the types and shadows interpretation of biblical stories, models and quick reference guides for counseling 20 of the most difficult problems in the church today including inferiority, abandonment, dysfunctional families, setting boundaries, six types of codependency, abuse, four types of addictions, bitterness, depression, grief, and suicide.
Purchase one Transformation book direct $18.57
Revelations That Will Set You Free--An eight step road map for spiritual growth. This book and course material includes a summary of biblical growth models and Old and New Testament revelations of the character of God, a comprehensive explanation of each of the eight steps of spiritual growth found in 2 Peter Chapter 1: Faith, for salvation; Virtue, making Jesus Lord; Knowledge, learning I cannot keep the law; Self-control through grace, Perseverance by knowing who I am in Christ; Godliness allowing Christ to live His life through me, Brotherly Kindness, letting Jesus love His bothers through me: and Love, letting Jesus be Himself through me. It also provides a model from the Bible demonstrating how each step is achieved so you can grow spiritually toward Christian maturity.
Purchase one Revelations book direct $18.43
Principles for Life--Using biblical principles to resolve problems not directly addressed in the Bible. This book and course explains 44 of the most important principles in the Bible from a psychological perspective and provides an in-depth method for developing counseling plans using biblical principles for common psychological problems based on Proverbs Chapter 3. This material includes a discussion of 13 classical methods of biblical change, a new model for understanding the human heart called "The Train of Psychological Wholeness," and techniques for applying biblical principles in counseling. It includes counseling plans and methods for treating anxiety, panic attacks, obsessions, compulsions, sexual abuse, domestic violence, marital problems, and Borderline Personality Disorder.