Anger is simply energy to resolve problems but it is many times misused. For those who are very insecure it can be used as a weapon to try to control others to meet needs and escalates to domestic violence. In over 50% of marriages there has been at least one incident of domestic violence. Many of the victims are so controlled they fear to leave the relationship. Even in these cases, through adequately setting of boundaries either the person will change or will leave the relationship. Sometimes restraining orders or calling the police is required to stop the violence.
This program is designed for those with anger problems or for those arrested for domestic violence and placed on Diversion. The workbook Alternatives to Domestic Violence is used. The program lasts 13 weeks and meets on Thursdays. You may begin the program at any time.
The cost for this program is $30 for an anger management evaluation and $30 for each of the 13 sessions payable prior to each session.
Many hundreds of people have gone through this program and have successfully changed their lives. Since anger is energy to resolve problems, the key issue is if you are willing to make the necessary changes in your life and learn to use this energy as God intended it to be used. Domestic violence suggests deeper issues which will also be addressed in this program.